Friday 19th April 2024,
HHR News


The Abduction of Yoga Dharma

The Abduction of Yoga Dharma

The US patent office has over one thousand forms of designer yoga waiting for approval. Is it any wonder, the Western media treats all things yoga, as some sort of flakey, New Age hippy-shit when it is actually a symbiote of Hinduism? [...]

June 19, 2019 Sean Bradrick Analysis/Insights, Archives, Spirituality/Culture, The Yoga Snatchers, World Focus 0

Video : Was Yoga Invented in the United States of America ?

Video : Was Yoga Invented in the United States of America ?

If things could not get worse but now we have a growing cult of followers claiming Yoga was invented in the USA. Yogi Baba Prem exposes this new hijack narrative . [...]

June 28, 2018 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, The Yoga Snatchers 0

Video : What Does Yoga Have to Do with Hinduism? Everything

Video : What Does Yoga Have to Do with Hinduism? Everything

Yoga is a deep science revealed by Mahadeva Himself in the Agamas. It is not just moving your arms and legs! Yoga is deeply rooted in Hinduism, sourced in Hinduism, and includes all aspects of Hinduism. It is not a "spiritual" practice alone, but is a sacred Hindu RITUAL. Any yoga teachers, gurus who promote [...]

June 20, 2018 HHR Archives, HHR Videos 0

Star Wars : The Yoga of Yoda by Dr. Jeffery D. Long

Star Wars : The Yoga of Yoda by Dr. Jeffery D. Long

As Hindu spiritual and philosophical concepts reinvent themselves in Western pop culture Dr. Jeffery D. Long gives a insight of this influence in the iconic Star Wars Saga with his talk “The Yoga of Yoda” [...]

December 25, 2017 Guest Author Archives, HHR Videos 0

Video : Russell Brand – Core Hindu Thought

Video : Russell Brand – Core Hindu Thought

After learning Vedanta and core Hindu philosophy Russell has changed a lot and set out for mission but some how backed down may be looking at the vast opposition. [...]

January 5, 2017 HHR HHR Videos 0

US : This School Has The Coolest Detention – Yoga Meditation For Kids

US : This School Has The Coolest Detention – Yoga Meditation For Kids

Imagine you're working at a school and one of the kids is starting to act up. What do you do? Traditionally, the answer would be to give the unruly kid detention or suspension. But in my memory, detention tended to involve staring at walls, bored out of my mind, trying to either surreptitiously talk to the kids [...]

October 6, 2016 HHR Archives, Spirituality/Culture 0

The Ancestors: Secret Doorway to Health and Healing.

The Ancestors: Secret Doorway to Health and Healing.

In fact, Yoga/Hinduism is one of the few (if not only major tradition) surviving to this day that still highly favors honoring one’s ancestors. While it is somewhat understandable as to why the modern mind would ask the question, ‘what is the value of honoring the ancestors?’ In reality, the answer to this [...]

September 21, 2016 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

Enlightenment for SALE : All Major Cards and PayPal Accepted

Enlightenment for SALE : All Major Cards and PayPal Accepted

The popular ‘New Age’ movement of this era is a vast network of individuals, groups, organizations, cults, foundations, etc. who expound and preach a watered-down patchwork of borrowed spiritual beliefs and rituals which present a dazzling array of luring theories and practices, yet somehow fail to capture the depth and intended essence of the esoteric [...]

August 3, 2016 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, The Yoga Snatchers 0

Yoga Sessions To Be Part Of Easter Celebrations

Yoga Sessions To Be Part Of Easter Celebrations

Washington:  Professional Yoga instructors will have sessions with thousands of Americans who are expected to throng the sprawling White House lawns in Washington on Monday for Easter Egg celebrations, the final Easter for Obama Administration. A “Yoga Garden” is one of the 10 different zones that has been created for the event for which some [...]

March 26, 2016 HHR Archives, World Focus 0

Parents offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned from school

Parents offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned from school

Breathe in, breathe out. “We need to direct our attention inward and connect to the breath,” yoga instructor Rachel Brathen writes in her New York Times best-selling book about the practice. “Focusing on our breath keeps us present, calms the mind, and allows us to develop the awareness of the body we need to practice [...]

March 24, 2016 HHR Archives, News updates 0
HHR News