Aditya Nath Yogi , recently appointed chief minister of Uttar Pradesh , has a close Gujarat connection apart from his ties with PM Narendra Modi. The erstwhile mahant of a math (ashram) of Nath sampradaya in Visnagar, Mahant Gulabnath Bapu, who was born as a Muslim with the name Gul Mohammad Pathan, was the 'gurubhai' [...]
March 28, 2017
Archives, India
HYV has also decided to approach both state & central governments to ensure that tribals get their rights.
Alleging largescale religious conversion of tribals in areas located on the Indo-Nepal border by Christian missionaries, Hindu Yuva Vahini — led by Gorakhpur BJP MP Yogi Adityanath — has announced that it will develop such villages and also [...]
November 24, 2016
Archives, India