Monday 10th February 2025,
HHR News


West’s Support for Pakistan’s Jihad in Kashmir

West’s Support for Pakistan’s Jihad in Kashmir

It is not a ‘Kashmir dispute’. It is the world’ oldest surviving civilisation and culture under threat from ideological imperialism and its western allies. It is not ‘self-determination’ of Kashmir, but a religious holy war against Hindus and India. One only need look at the stated aims of Jaish-e-Mohammed. The terrorist outfit sprung from the [...]

March 1, 2019 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, News updates, World Focus 0

How India is building Asia’s largest secure forest network

How India is building Asia’s largest secure forest network

A landmark effort by the Indian state of Karnataka to connect isolated protected forests could lead to the building of Asia’s largest unbroken forest, writes Jay Mazoomdaar.It’s been all about connecting the green dots. Since 2012, the southern state of Karnataka has declared nearly 2,600 sq km (1,000 sq miles) of forests as protected areas, [...]

March 30, 2014 HHR Dharmic Ecology 0
HHR News