The evangelicals, it appears, are in a bind—they want to capitalize on the mounting popularity of yoga, but how can they embrace a practice steeped in Hinduism without compromising their dogmatic exclusivity? They can’t authentically do that, and so, yoga is repackaged into a Christian avatar and forcibly divorced from its roots. The commercialization of [...]
The Problem While yoga is growing at a rapid pace within the western world, its association with Hinduism is all too frequently becoming lost, disregarded and more importantly disrespected. This has been repeatedly illustrated within the corporate world through the introduction of items such as the “Hindu deity toilet seat cover” and Hindu deity shoes [...]
For many people, the main concern in a yoga class is whether they are breathing correctly or their legs are aligned. But for others, there are lingering doubts about whether they should be there at all, or whether they are betraying their religion.Farida Hamza, a Muslim woman living in the US (pictured above), had been [...]
November 21, 2013
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The usual Christian rhetoric about satanic and demonic forces trying to take control paranoia but at least Christian Fundamentalists even know its Hindu. [...]
August 3, 2013
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