Thursday 13th February 2025,
HHR News

dr koenraad elst

HHR Video : A Bunch of Thoughts on the World Hindu Congress 2018 by Dr Koenraad Elst

HHR Video : A Bunch of Thoughts on the World Hindu Congress 2018 by Dr Koenraad Elst

Some HHR members met up with Dr Koenraad Elst for a Phone Vid interview in the gardens of Russell Square in London about his views on the recent World Hindu Congress 2018 in Chicago and other Hindu issues. Some noise in background due to police helicopter looking for runaway criminals.. [...]

September 28, 2018 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos 0

Dissecting Hinduism : The Curious Case of Dr Christopher Wallis the Tantrik

Dissecting Hinduism : The Curious Case of Dr Christopher Wallis the Tantrik

Among the many attacks on Hindus and Hinduism  comes a whole movement to dissect away many Hindu practices like Yoga and now Tantra  as ‘non’ Hindu . Dr Koenraad Elst debates with Dr Christopher Wallis on this dissection in the following interactions ‘ HHR editor > In the Indian media, I once saw a beginning [...]

August 28, 2015 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights 0

HHR Video : Hindu Bashing By the Media and Academia

HHR Video : Hindu Bashing By the Media and Academia

Dr Koenraad Elst discusses Hindu Bashing and Hinduphobia in today's Media and Academia across the world left unchallenged by the present ruling party the BJP and Hindu organizations.He also discusses anti Hindu/India groups set up by Indians in the west along with their backers for military intervention/ armed resistance to balkanize India.Also Dr Elst proves [...]

April 8, 2015 HHR Analysis/Insights, HHR Videos, World Focus 0

HHR Video : Exclusive Interview with Dr Subramanian Swamy and Dr Koenraad Elst

HHR Video : Exclusive Interview with Dr Subramanian Swamy and Dr Koenraad Elst

Hindu Human Rights talks to Indian parliamentarian and academic, Dr Subramanian Swamy, and Dr Koenraad Elst of Belgium, for the interview they gave on 5 April 2015, in London. In this short film various issues are discussed notably media bias, the concept of Hindu Rashtra, secularism and the lack of effective Hindu think tanks and [...]

April 6, 2015 HHR HHR Videos 0

Hindus are Tribals, Hindus are Pagans

Hindus are Tribals, Hindus are Pagans

 At the 5th Gathering of the Elders (Mysore, 1-4 February 2015), I was originally only present as an observer. But when a Hindu lady speaker had addressed the social philosophy of the Gond tribe, I felt it necessary to give a fitting reply, as it was contrary to the whole aim and spirit of the [...]

February 4, 2015 Dr Koenraad Elst Archives, India 0

Hindus and The Outsiders

Hindus and The Outsiders

Hinduism, by contrast, is losing constantly. It is fragmented along caste and ethnic lines (worsened by the “secularist” regime) but also along ideological lines, chiefly secular against Hindu activist. It is divided against itself. There is a Hindu nationalist movement, but it is warped by the “Western” nationalist viewpoint and deliberately unable to wage [...]

September 7, 2012 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights 0

Hindutva and the Great Colonial Conspiracy

Hindutva and the Great Colonial Conspiracy

There are some signs of light, some local Hindu gains, but over all, the evolution is not good. Just look at the demographic gains of Christianity and Islam, and the confused and weak stand of the Hindu’s main political representative, the BJP. [...]

September 2, 2012 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights 0

Dr Elst’s discusses the West’s Anti Hindu attitudes,RSS,BJP.

Dr Elst’s discusses the West’s Anti Hindu attitudes,RSS,BJP.

In a brief discussion Dr Koenraad Elst and Ranbir Singh talk about the continuing unhealthy negative attitudes of the West in regards to Hindus.Also discussed are the role of the RSS and the BJP towards Hindu revivalism. [...]

July 31, 2012 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos 1

Dr Koenraad Elst Discusses the Myths of Hindu Cowardice

Dr Koenraad Elst Discusses the Myths of Hindu Cowardice

In a recent raw and brief interview in London Dr Koenraad Elst discusses with Ranbir Singh (HHR) the myths of Hindu cowardice. [...]

July 26, 2012 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, History 8

Dr Llewelyn Morgan : Another Hindu-Phobic from Oxford ?

Dr Llewelyn Morgan : Another Hindu-Phobic from Oxford ?

Dr Koenraad Elst exposes the fallacies, propaganda and historical revision of Oxford's latest vociferous anti-Hindu Academic : Dr Llewelyn Morgan. [...]

July 24, 2012 Dr Koenraad Elst Hinduphobia 3
HHR News