“Never has such a meticulously choreographed circus by Western (mainly US) academicians, Indian writers, artists and sundry activists, aimed at demonizing a popular leader, collapsed so colossally. As Hindu sages aver, it’s all about time and place. As the real Taliban cousins—ISIS—turned up uninvited at a rock concert in Paris, … the high decibel calumny [...]
“The BJP, instead of trying to craft a secular face and hoping to regain the 8 per cent of the minority vote it lost in 2004, needs to consolidate its Hindu equity by 2014. Inclusive secularism is redundant. Obama won by polarising America. Narendra Modi is sure to polarise the Indian popular vote. Those who [...]
February 21, 2015
“If the secularists didn’t control the bottleneck of information on India, the West would be far less anti-Narendra Modi. Without a constant stream of anti-Modi propaganda, … you will see the West turn business-like towards Narendra Modi soon enough. Like the East India Company of the early years, the West only sees India in business [...]
June 20, 2014
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, World Focus