Sunday 16th February 2025,
HHR News

ethnic cleansing

Gentleman, There’s No Such Thing As Hinduphobia , Death To The Heathen !!!

Gentleman, There’s No Such Thing As Hinduphobia , Death To The Heathen !!!

On both left and right, India and Hindus are castigated for the unequal caste system. The only difference is that sometimes the ‘right’ actually supports it as a means to both racial and class inequality. Here we encounter the first problem. Caste was never based on race. [...]

March 20, 2022 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, Articles, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

Pakistan : America’s Favourite Nazi-esque Terrorist

Pakistan : America’s Favourite Nazi-esque Terrorist

Hence this state was built up with American financial and military aid. Relations with the war hawks only soured when it became too obvious that Pakistan was sabotaging attempts at stopping Islamic terrorism. Yet even with this support among western nations for Pakistan’s position of Kashmir remains. It is one of the few areas which [...]

February 14, 2020 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, India, World Focus 0

Modi Meets the Kissinger of Death

Modi Meets the Kissinger of Death

Despite the constant fake news about India being under the rule of a ‘right-wing extremist’, ‘fascist’, ‘Hindu nationalist’ Narendra Modi and his BJP, India continues to make foreign policy blunders which hardly fit even this negative image. If they were anything close, then the constant attacks would cease or at least be drowned out. [...]

October 28, 2019 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, India, News updates, Spirituality/Culture, World Focus 0

Labour’s Aryan Brotherhood

Labour’s Aryan Brotherhood

The recent furore over the Labour Party’s links to openly anti-Semitic, racist, terrorist and Holocaust deniers is in many respects only the tip of the iceberg. While this is rightly condemned there has been no mention of the anti-Hindu nature of the present leadership which begins at the very top. Any attempt to raise this [...]

September 2, 2018 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 0

Hindu Human Rights Highlights Plight of Kashmiri Hindus

Hindu Human Rights Highlights Plight of Kashmiri Hindus

 On 19 January 2016 I had the enormous privilege of being invited to speak at the prestigious London School of Economics on the twenty-sixth anniversary of a very sad, poignant event. On that day in 1990 almost the entire Kashmiri Hindu community of indigenous Pandits were ordered out of the Kashmir Valley at gunpoint by [...]

February 1, 2016 Ranbir Singh HHR Activities/Press releases, World Focus 0

US Commission silent about ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Bangladesh

US Commission silent about ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Bangladesh

On April 30, 2015, the United States joined with the Taliban and other South Asian jihadis by supporting the ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Bangladesh. On that date, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) issued its annual report that deliberately ignored the evidence it had about the ongoing atrocities against Bangladeshi Hindus and the [...]

July 15, 2015 HHR Archives, Bangladesh 0

Has Anish Kapoor lost his voice on Communalism in Gaza?

Has Anish Kapoor lost his voice on Communalism in Gaza?

Indian born sculptor Sir Anish Kapoor was extremely vocal and vitriolic in his attacks on Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India being a threat to freedom in the world’s largest democracy. Given very generous time by the BBC to air his views he was certain that the man who won the popular vote by an [...]

August 6, 2014 HHR Analysis/Insights, World Focus 0

Remember Kashmiri Pandits?

Remember Kashmiri Pandits?

Let me begin by admitting that I would not be writing about the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits today if I had not been shamed into doing so. I would have written about the flip-flop currently going on in the Congress over whether Rahul Gandhi should be declared their future prime minister or not. The [...]

January 19, 2014 HHR Archives, India, News updates 0
HHR News