South Asia Solidarity a Gunga Din(brown indian servents of the raj) Hinduphobic front for far-right Islamists and Christian fundamentalists who often use a Western European racist frameworks against Indigenous Hindus called out for a protest against Koenraad Elst, Prakash Shah and Rishi Handa’s talk at Queens Mary’s University in London recently . With a massive [...]
If things could not get even funnier then here we come across another white privileged expert Edward Anderson, Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) in History @NorthumbriaUni . History/Politics of India & Britain, migration & diasporas. Previously @Cambridge_Uni writing about the dangers in his new book ‘Hindu Nationalism in the Indian Diaspora’. What next ? he will [...]
Of course, the ‘limited-value’ victim could have been anyone crossing the pathway facing the police car but Jaahnavi Kandula also happened to be from a Hindu background which means Hindus raising her death are reminded they have ‘zero value’ like a popular Instagram Hindu page called Hindu Samata found out by getting suspended by the [...]
Definition of a Colonised Person A colonized person is a person who is disconnected from his or her Roots (History, Religion, Culture etc), they grow up watching, reading, consuming western content; In universities they study western philosophies, so they start looking at the world from the lenses of western world and western philosophers [...]
July 27, 2015
Gunga Din is a character from a classic Rudyard Kipling poem, and was adapted into a film of the same name in 1939. In that production, Gunda Din is a simple water bearer who sacrifices his life in order to save the white British soldiers from rebel forces of the Thugee. The film is now [...]
Lecture by Swaminathan Gurumurthy on the fundamentals of a economic models of West and India, viz a viz the Culture and Civilization, Hand clapping Gunga din academic Indians and their western intellectual influences [...]
March 2, 2013