Wednesday 19th February 2025,
HHR News

hindu genocide

Video : Berkeley Students Hold a Vigil for Hindu Genocide Victims In Bangladesh

Video : Berkeley Students Hold a Vigil for Hindu Genocide Victims In Bangladesh

Students from the University of California, Berkeley held a vigil for Hindu victims in Bangladesh. More Video Updates – Protests Spreading For Bangladeshi Hindus Across The World Video : Islamist’s Attack Hindu Temples and Kill Hindus In Bangladesh Hindu Genocide in East Bengal ’71 The Hindu Genocide that Hindus and the World Forgot Video : [...]

September 1, 2024 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Bangladesh, HHR Videos, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : Far Right Islamists Call For Genocide of Hindus In Bangladesh

Video : Far Right Islamists Call For Genocide of Hindus In Bangladesh

Call for #HinduGenocide in Thakurgaon district of Bangladesh. Extremists have called for genocide against Hindus by spreading rumors of insulting Islam by a Hindu boy( Nirmal) . There is panic among the Hindus in Thakurgaon District at the moment. Local Islamists have occupied the land of a Hindu family in Magura, Bangladesh.She has lived there [...]

July 12, 2022 HHR Archives, Bangladesh, HHR Videos, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : Hinduphobic Racist Elite Universities Cancel Out Vivek Agnihotri Talk On Indigenous Hindu Genocide

Video : Hinduphobic Racist Elite Universities Cancel Out Vivek Agnihotri Talk On Indigenous Hindu Genocide

As expected from Cambridge and Oxford rooted in white colonial racism and now in bed with far right Islamo - fascists as Vivek Agnihotri explains [...]

May 31, 2022 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

2001 – HHR london Protest at Bangladesh High Commission , as Reported by Savvy

2001 – HHR london Protest at Bangladesh High Commission , as Reported by Savvy

Seven-year old Sulekha Das does not smile anymore. All she does is stare unfocused at the clumsily painted hospital walls, as callous government officials troop in inspecting her as if she were an artefact. Sulekha and her eight-year-old sister (who died later) were raped in Bhola, in Barisal district, Bangladesh on October 24, 2001. [...]

October 19, 2021 HHR Analysis/Insights, Articles, Bangladesh, HHR Activities/Press releases, News updates, World Focus 0

Indian Dharmic Genocide Museum: Why Did We Build This New Hindu Site?

Indian Dharmic Genocide Museum: Why Did We Build This New Hindu Site?

We, a group of Hindu’s from the UK and India, engaged in a heated debate on why the Indian Government wasn’t seeking justice for the Bangladeshi Genocide of 1971, after a recent video of Imran Khan emerged of him acknowledging Pakistan’s role in that Genocide?. Someone suggested writing letters to the Indian government was the [...]

September 12, 2019 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, History, World Focus 0

Idols of Hindu gods, goddesses vandalised in Bangladesh

Idols of Hindu gods, goddesses vandalised in Bangladesh

Eight newly made idols of Hindu gods and goddesses were vandalised in northern Bangladesh today, prompting police to launch an investigation. Police said unidentified persons broke into the Sarbojanin puja ‘mandap’ at Chandrakala village in Natore district early this morning and disfigured the idols of Durga, Lakshmi, Ganesh and Kartik. The incident occurred as the [...]

October 11, 2013 HHR Bangladesh, News updates 0

17 charges against Abdul Alim

17 charges against Abdul Alim

Abdul Alim, former Muslim League leader and BNP minister, stands accused of 17 charges of war crimes committed in Joypurhat during the 1971 Liberation War.  The charges include three cases of genocide, one abduction, one forced deportation and 12 murders including that of Dr Abul Kashem and conspiracy to kill 26 freedom fighters.He was indicted [...]

October 11, 2013 HHR Bangladesh, News updates 0
HHR News