Suhag Shukla @SuhagAShukla from HAF caught out Newsweek @Newsweek on it’s hit piece on Tulsi Gabbard @TulsiGabbard for taking her oath on the Gita which according to their highly intelligent fair judgement reporting made her a “Hindu Nationalist.” which means one of the humans sacrificing Thuggees from Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom. So [...]
India being the homeland of the largest remaining indigenous people on the planet known as Hindus don’t have to be told what to do or who they want in their country especially why those religious ideologies that led to mass genocides, enslavement, and forced conversions of the indigenous Hindu people to later tear the country [...]
Demanding Western 'Selective' Freedom of Expression on India is equivalent to demanding Nazi propaganda should be allowed in the state of Israel.
1. India should be commended for raiding bandit BBC for tax issues but this should be the start. India should revoke their license for perpetuating racism, colonialism and Hinduphobia. While Britain as a whole [...]