India last Wednesday said it expects Australia to return a 900-year-old ‘Dancing Shiva’ statue and another stone sculpture bought from a disgraced Indian antiquities dealer. “We are satisfied with the steps taken and cooperation extended by the Australian government in response to this issue,” India’s High Commissioner Biren Nanda said in Melbourne. “We had formally requested [...]
Amazing skills start at 40 secs onwards: Kuchipudi /kuːtʃiˈpuːdi/ (Telugu: కూచిపూడి) is a Classical Indian dance from Andhra Pradesh, India. [...]
January 16, 2014
HHR Videos
The Meaning of Dharma Dharma is perhaps the key term for the great spiritual traditions of India and East Asia, Hindu and Buddhist, whether relative to their understanding of the outer world of nature or the inner realm of consciousness. It is the basis of India’s vast and diverse culture and its deep commitment to [...]
April 30, 2013
Vamadev Shastri
Who is Shiva? And what is the meaning of the shivalinga, Shiva’s symbol or icon? Who is Parvati? Why do people go on pilgrimage to places like the Amaranath cave in Kashmir? What is the relationship between Shiva and Vishnu? What is the meaning of Shiva’s dance? In the Vedic way God, or Brahman, is [...]
Nishkalank Mahadev Temple in Koliyak, Bhavnagar, Gujarat is full of wonders and awe. This temple is buried inside the sea. On a heavy tide day, all that can be seen are the flag and a pillar. It is beyond ones comprehension that there is a Lord Shiva Temple just under the fierce sea. This temple [...]
March 29, 2013
HHR Videos
Shivratri – The Great Night of Shiva Shivratri is one of the most popular festivals in the Hindu world, celebrated with devotion and fervour by millions of Hindus each year. In the Hindu view, the Divine Being transcends all human conceptualisation, yet can be approached in many ways. The deities of Hinduism reflect realizations [...]
March 10, 2013
Rajesh Patel
Understanding hinduism
About a dozen Pallipadai temples, mausoleums of Maratha kings and queens who ruled Thanjavur for 175 years, are in a shambles in the historic town. Located at Raja Ghori, the temples, built to perpetuate the glory of the rulers, today stand as symbols of neglect and decay. A classic case is the temple of Pratapa [...]
May 2, 2012
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