Sunday 16th February 2025,
HHR News

Shinzo Abe

HHR Video : Japanese PM Shinzo Abe attends Holy Ganga Aarti at Varanasi

HHR Video : Japanese PM Shinzo Abe attends Holy Ganga Aarti at Varanasi

Marking a new chapter in centuries-old ties between India and Japan. Japanese PM Shinzo Abe along PM Narendra Modi visited Varanasi. Varanasi hosted an audio-visual treat non pareil for PM Narendra Modi and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe on the banks of the holy Ganga on Saturday, marking a historic occasion in this oldest city [...]

December 20, 2015 HHR Archives, HHR Videos 0

Twitter friendship blossoms for Narendra Modi and Shinzo Abe

Twitter friendship blossoms for Narendra Modi and Shinzo Abe

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe follows only three people on Twitter: his outspoken wife, a scandal-tainted politician and Prime Minister-in-waiting Narendra Modi. Modi and Abe are two assertive nationalists who came to power on platforms pledging economic revival. They share a keen interest in neighbour China’s growing regional ambitions. Mutually appreciative messages have pinged back [...]

May 22, 2014 HHR News updates 0

Narendra Modi & Shinzo Abe: What explains the Western loathing?

Narendra Modi & Shinzo Abe: What explains the Western loathing?

“A stunted, lymphatic, yellow-faced heathen, with a mouthful of teeth three sizes too big for him, bulging slits where his eyes ought to be, blacking-brush hair, a foolish giggle, a cruel heart, and the conceit of the devil. . . . It is a grave question whether Japan. . . . is in the least [...]

May 1, 2014 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 3
HHR News