Today, many Ukrainians, including Ukrainian Hindus and others, are displaced and need help. Many of these Dharmic Ukrainians even refer to India as their spiritual home. Should India come forward to do more for these victims of war? [...]
Today, many Ukrainians, including Ukrainian Hindus and others, are displaced and need help. Many of these Dharmic Ukrainians even refer to India as their spiritual home. Should India come forward to do more for these victims of war? [...]
This is a question/complaint that I get a lot so I hope that this explanation makes sense [...]
While in India progress and modernity are defined as disowning one’s ancient roots from its Hindu culture and instead aping the West blindly, this comes across as both artificial and laughable, in the monstrous chimera it creates by that aforementioned process of deracination. [...]
It is the festival that honours the Hindu god Muruga and involves devotees piercing their tongues, cheeks and even wearing hooks embedded in their backs. And joining the locals in Malaysia for the Thaipusam Festival was an Australian former diplomat, who for the first time decided to take part in the painful rituals that make [...]
“All men dream,” said T. E. Lawrence, “but not equally.” Artistic, introspective and questioning, even as a child it was clear to those around me that I was, in Lawrence’s terminology, a “dreamer of the day.” I disliked what I regarded as the shallow materialism and trivial ways people interacted in the West. But above [...]
I became a Hindu by increments. It didn’t happen over night of course. There was no one grand happening that changed my heart and mind. I was fortunate enough to have been raised by a psychology professor who practiced Yoga, meditation, pranayama and chanting; and studied Eastern philosophy and religion. So I grew up around [...]
I am an American like many other Americans, born into a family of mixed European and Native American ancestry. My interest in my own origins started early. I knew that my European ancestors were pagans who were converted to Abrahamic faiths, and that my Native ancestors were pagans mostly obliterated by those Europeans. I knew [...]