Wednesday 15th January 2025,
HHR News

Indigenous/Pagan Voice

Polytheism in Europe

Polytheism in Europe

A look at European Pagan Traditions and their growing relationship with Hinduism [...]

May 17, 2012 Robin Herne Indigenous/Pagan Voice 4

Ram Swarup,Hindus and Neo-Paganism

Ram Swarup,Hindus and Neo-Paganism

The late Ram Swarup (1920-98), definitely the most important Hindu philosopher of independent India’s first half-century, liked to point out that other cultures had traditions similar to Hinduism before Christianity or Islam wiped them out. As he put it in his path‑breaking study of polytheism, The Word as Revelation (1980): “There was a time when [...]

May 2, 2012 Dr Koenraad Elst Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

Contemporary Accounts of Massacres of Native Americans

Contemporary Accounts of Massacres of Native Americans

Contemporary Accounts of Massacres of Native Americans From Crusoe’s Island by John Ross Browne (1864) No pretext has been wanted, no opportunity lost, whenever it has been deemed necessary to get them out of the way. At Nome Cult Valley, during the winter of 1858-’59, more than a hundred and fifty peaceable Indians , including women [...]

April 28, 2012 HHR Indigenous/Pagan Voice 0

Hindus, the last of the Pagans?

Hindus, the last of the Pagans?

What is called paganism, heathenism, and polytheism is in fact the Natural religion of humanity. In areas where it has survived the onslaught of anti-human ideologies with their ego gods, it has retained its self-respecting name. In Japan it is Shinto, in Taiwan Confucianism And Taoism, and in India as Hinduism. [...]

January 5, 2000 HHR Global Hindus, History, Indigenous/Pagan Voice 2
HHR News