Monday 07th October 2024,
HHR News


Harvard Yoga Scientists Find Proof of Meditation Benefit

Harvard Yoga Scientists Find Proof of Meditation Benefit

Scientists are getting close to proving what yogis have held to be true for centuries — yoga and meditation can ward off stress and disease. John Denninger, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, is leading a five-year study on how the ancient practices affect genes and brain activity in the chronically stressed. His latest work [...]

November 25, 2013 HHR Articles, Hinduism and the World of Science 0

Evolution : A Hindu Perspective

Evolution : A Hindu Perspective

Evolution and Science Modern science recognizes an evolution of form in the world of nature as the dominant movement of life. It notes how the bodies of different creatures adapt over time, becoming more complex and sophisticated through succeeding generations, with new species arising that demonstrate important advances in structure and function over what went [...]

May 10, 2012 Vamadev Shastri Spirituality/Culture 1

Stealing Yoga and What Else ?

Stealing Yoga and What Else ?

India has now however rightfully made a move to patent Yoga asanas and will probably patent more of the indigenous Hindu practices in the years to come. [...]

May 5, 2012 HHR The Yoga Snatchers 3
HHR News