Sunday 09th February 2025,
HHR News

mad cow disease

Indian Victim of Mad Cow Disease

Indian Victim of Mad Cow Disease

With the Beef Eating rise in India also comes the risk of getting Mad Cow Disease Here’s a unfortunate victim of the disease : Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as mad cow disease, is a fatal neurodegenerative disease (encephalopathy) in cattle that causes a spongy degeneration in the brain and spinal cord. BSE has [...]

April 25, 2014 HHR HHR Videos 1

When Hindus were blamed for mad cow disease (CJD)

When Hindus were blamed for mad cow disease (CJD)

In September 2005, the medical journal Lancet reported that the origins of BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) or Mad Cow Disease, which led through the food chain to being variant CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) in humans, had its origins in the funerary practices of Hindus in India. [...]

January 5, 2012 Ranbir Singh World Focus 0
HHR News