Monday 10th February 2025,
HHR News

muslim attacks

India : The last of Bengal’s Hindus fade into history

India : The last of Bengal’s Hindus fade into history

Intro: Since Partition of Bengal in 1905, the Hindus have been on the receiving end on communal lines. The atrocities and forceful migration of Hindus continue till date from the erstwhile East Bengal, East Pakistan and now Bangladesh. Unfortunately, on the western side of Bengal also, the situation is deteriorating.  The ‘secular’ vote bank politics created [...]

May 23, 2015 HHR India 0

Attackers of Hindu temple charged with blasphemy

Attackers of Hindu temple charged with blasphemy

Pakistan : In an extraordinary turn of events, Section 295-A was used to register a blasphemy case against Muslim men for damaging a Hindu temple during riots on Ishq-e-Rasool Day. Section 295-A is the lesser known, non Islam-specific clause of the country’s notorious blasphemy law. The Shri Krishna Bhagwan Mandir, located in the Gulshan-e-Maymar area [...]

October 1, 2012 HHR News updates, Pakistan 0
HHR News