Tuesday 18th February 2025,
HHR News

Bangladesh : Ms. Moni Saha (17) Hindu College Girl kidnapped

Bangladesh : Ms. Moni Saha (17) Hindu College Girl kidnapped

Nature of crime: Abduction for forceful conversion.

Name of the victim: Ms. Moni Saha (F)

Age of the victim    : 17 years 3 monhths.

Name of the father:  Sushil Chandra Saha

Name of the mother: Ms.Jharna Rani Saha

Religion of the Victim : Hindu

Permanent address of the victim:  Kalihati Upazila, Munshi Para, District –Tangail, Bangladesh.

Place of occurrence:  Aram Nagar Bazar, Sorishabari Upazila of Jamalpur district.

Date of occurrence: 2nd of March, 2014

Name of perpetrators:
1) Sohel @ Hiru (22) son of Mansur Rahman,                                    
2) Harun-ar-Rashid son of Mansur Rahman,                                  
3) Mansur Rahman son of Neamat Ali,                                   
4) Hamida Begum (55) Shefali  wife of Mansur Rahman                                
5) Jhankar (40) son of Abdus Samad,                                
6) Halima Begum (55) wife of Abdus Samad of Birbatia, Madargonj Upazila.

Sharishabari P.S. case No. 1 dated 01.04.2014 under section 7/30 of Women and Children Repression Act, 2002

Facts in Brief:

The victim girl was studying 1st year Class of Mahamuda Mohila College temporarily living at her maternal uncle’s house for education at Ram Nagar Bazar at Sorishabari Upazila of On 02.03.2014 at about 10.30 a.m. while Ms.Moni Saha was going to her college,Muslim perpetrators namely:  1) Sohel @ Hiru (22) son of Mansur Rahman, 2) Harun ar Rashid, and unknown others, all on a sudden obstructed her and compelled her to board in a micro-bus and they decamped. At that time the victim cried loudly but nobody helped for her rescue.  BDMW received information that the Hindu victim has already been converted to Islam by swearing affidavit by Notary Public and the perpetrators are constantly threatening father, mother and uncle of the victim to abandon rescue of their children.

As soon as Mr. Narayan Chandra Saha-maternal uncle of the victim came know that the victim has been kidnapped he immediately filed a general diary entry Number 975 dated 07.03.2014 at Sorishabari police station for rescue of the victim girl. But police did not act as per law and they were very much found negligent to arrest the perpetrators.

Investigation: –

The father and mother of Moni Saha finding no other alternative sent a request letter to Bangladesh Minority Watch (BDMW) on 29.03.2014 for taking initiative to trace out the victim girl from the possession of the perpetrators. I, on behalf of BDMW immediately communicated with Mr.Nazrul Islam, Superintendent of Police –Jamalpur over his cell number 01713373532 on 30.03.14 who said “Informant Narayan Saha  filed G.D. No.975 dated 07.03.2014 at Sorisahabari police station, he also said “ it is a love affairs no need to file any F.I.R in this case” I also wanted to know why case has not yet been entertained by local Officer in charge of police station despite repeated request from victim’s family, he did not reply.  I also communicated with local officer in charge of Saharishabari police station over his cell number -01713373540 and requested him to entertain F.I.R from the victim’s legal guardian.

After much endeavor ultimately on 01.04.2014 Sorishabari police took a cognizable case being case No.1 dated 01.04.2014 under section 7/30 of women and children Repression Act,2002 as per law and they started investigation for the first time. Till date 31.03.2014 police took no initiative to trace out neither the victim nor the perpetrators.


Bangladesh Minority Watch is very much concerned at the incident of abduction of minor girl and demand as follows:

1)      The victim girl should be rescued and brought her before the court for narrating how she was kidnapped on the date of event.

2)      The police officer who is responsible for delay in entertaining the F.I.R. from the informant should be brought to book departmentally as per law, as delay defeats equity and justice.

3)      The perpetrators responsible for kidnapping and abduction should be brought to book as per law;

4)      The responsible FIR named accused should be arrested very soon for proper adjudication of the matter and also for bringing the victim girl before the court.

5)      Police should find out whether any documents purported to have been made by perpetrators to use those concocted documents at the time of trial of the case. 

6)      The Minorities should be protected from ethnic cleansing.

Media/F.I.R. GD, pictures and date of birth of the victim girl attached.

Through :

Adv. Rabindra Ghosh

Founder President-Bangladesh Minority Watch (BDMW)

12.K.M.Das Lane, Tikatully-Wari P.S. Dhaka, Bangladesh


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