The Role of Buddhism The name “Veda” literally means “knowledge”, and derives from the root vid, “to know”. Thus, when we speak of Vedic culture, we refer to a tradition that honors knowledge as the very foundation of everything and the solution to all problems and needs. Until rather recently – in the times of [...]
June 25, 2013
Mataji Parama Karuna Devi
Analysis/Insights, World Focus
One hears it all too often: ‘Hindus are cowards, they only deserve what they are suffering.’ Mahatma Gandhi said it clearly enough: ‘The Muslim is a bully, the Hindu a coward.’ But Hindus are by no means cowards. Hindus as such have their problems, but lack of bravery is not one of them. [...]
October 23, 2012
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, History