In the classic children’s story Goldilocks went into someone else’s house to eat and sleep uninvited. To her horror she was confronted by the owners, which happened to be three bears. Discovered she fled. At no point were negotiations on the agenda. It was after all pretty indefensible. This is a bit like the manner [...]
October 20, 2013
Ranbir Singh
Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat, was already a controversial figure before the BJP nominated him as party candidate for post of prime minister. But ‘controversial’ to whom? And for what? The constant attacks on Modi have actually had the reverse effect of increasing the popularity of what otherwise would have been one of many [...]
September 15, 2013
Ranbir Singh
I remember a talk by Shri Pandurang Shastri Athavale, in which he was simultaneously joking and lamenting the weak and selfish way that many people who should know better conduct their lives. One comment that really struck me is as follows: People sometimes ask me “When will Kali Yuga end?” I tell them “How can [...]
August 28, 2013
Rajesh Patel
Dear Mr Advani When I started reporting in India in the early eighties, I had the same ideas as most western journalists : secularism, as practiced by Jawarlahal Nehru, was the best policy for India, given its caste and religion differences; Islam was a peaceful religion; and there were also Hindu fanatics. But, dear Mr [...]
June 14, 2013
CM Narender Modi maybe the most vilified Hindu leader by the Indian secular establishment but for the common Indian he is becoming their only hope to take India Forward. [...]
On Sunday 16 December 2012 a 23-year old was gang-raped and brutally beaten with an iron rod for about 45 minutes on a Delhi bus. The crime was so animalistic that NDTV news channel has reported that the woman has had to undergo surgery for two hours to have almost her entire intestines removed. The [...]
December 19, 2012
Ranbir Singh
Is the Indian version of European Secularism anti Hindu ? Lets look at Chief Minister Narender Modi and Emperor Akbar through Indian Secular eyes as a case study to find out how secularism in India works. For example In India, a small band of journalists, activists and politicians, all of who parade themselves as ‘Secularists’ [...]
October 30, 2012
Rajesh Patel
In a brief discussion Dr Koenraad Elst and Ranbir Singh talk about the continuing unhealthy negative attitudes of the West in regards to Hindus.Also discussed are the role of the RSS and the BJP towards Hindu revivalism. [...]