Tuesday 21st January 2025,
HHR News


Non-Dualism: The basic philosophy of most schools of Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Indo-European Tradition

Non-Dualism: The basic philosophy of most schools of Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Indo-European Tradition

Based on a number of requests to explain the basics of Eastern philosophies in English for those daunted by the sheer volume of foreign terms, I have attempted to present a simplified summary of basic concepts in one document. I’m only a student myself, so I assume all responsibility for any inaccuracies in the following [...]

October 14, 2016 Guest Author Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

De-colonization As De-contextualization: Why The ‘Cultural Appropriation’ Argument Is Not About Yoga

De-colonization As De-contextualization: Why The ‘Cultural Appropriation’ Argument Is Not About Yoga

To my chagrin and dismay, self-appointed defenders of oppressed cultures who cast contemporary western yoga as the second coming of the East India Company have attached themselves to the fabric of yoga discourse with the stubborn persistence of a burr on a sock. Consequently, perfectly serviceable yoga programs are now at risk of being run [...]

December 26, 2015 Guest Author Archives, The Yoga Snatchers 0

World of Devic and Asuric Mystics : Know the difference

World of Devic and Asuric Mystics : Know the difference

Hindus are inclined to accept anything that calls itself calls itself religion, particularly if it is also mystical. They would like to believe that all mystical states are valid and that all religions are true. This exposes them to manipulation by groups who use a religious or mystical appearance to promote their own agendas that [...]

January 12, 2014 Vamadev Shastri Analysis/Insights, Archives, Articles 0

How I essentially became a Hindu

How I essentially became a Hindu

“Can you imagine – in Europe there are people who believe there is no Bhagawan (God)!” Baba Ramdev, a highly popular yogi, said this to a sea of thousands of Indian schoolchildren with an expression of genuine wonderment on his face. I saw it on TV and it made me smile. He is right. In [...]

November 2, 2013 HHR ReBorn Again Hindus 0

Brahman is not ‘God’

Brahman is not ‘God’

Let us look at what Hinduism holds to be the Absolute. The ultimate goal and Absolute of Hinduism is termed “Brahman” in Sanskrit. The word comes from the Sanskrit verb root brh, meaning “to grow”. Etymologically, the term means “that which grows” (brhati) and “which causes to grow” (brhmayati). Brahman, as understood by the scriptures [...]

April 12, 2013 HHR Understanding hinduism 0

Vedic Evolution of Consciousness

Vedic Evolution of Consciousness

Modern psychology and cognitive science is only now exploring the frontiers of consciousness (exemplified in Vedanta) and its impact on human life and behaviour. Current researches (Joel Krueger) in the field also indicate that transcending of the personalized ego often leads to a unified mode of awareness and “That a scholar acquires a new insight, [...]

August 8, 2012 Tina Sadhwani Spirituality/Culture 2

Yogic Ecology and Mother Earth..

Yogic Ecology and Mother Earth..

For the Hindus the Earth is sacred as the very manifestation of the Divine Mother. She is Bhumi Devi, the Earth Goddess. One of the reasons that Hindus honor cows is that the cow represents the energies and qualities of the Earth, selfless caring, sharing and the providing of nourishment to all. Hindu prayers are [...]

April 30, 2012 Vamadev Shastri Dharmic Ecology 1
HHR News