With the globalization of an obscure sect that existed within Judaism, the Christian Bible has become one of the most studied and research texts in modern history. Yet, despite numerous generations of scholars pouring over the compendium of Biblical writings, there remains numerous questions about the life of Jesus. Most notable his life from age [...]
June 11, 2015
Although far from uniform, the composite picture of Christianity that emerges in a number of Japanese sources from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries is of a Buddhist heresy propagated by barbarians and focused around the worship of a demonic deity.28 This sect encourages loyalty to a barbarian king said to be the representative of [...]
April 24, 2014
The brutal murder of Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati (1927–2008) was blamed for sparking of a wave of killings where rampaging Hindus massacred innocent Christians in India’s eastern state of Orissa. At least that was the view from reading the western media outlets which rely heavily on extremist and hardcore fundamentalist Christian outfits for their information. [...]