Wednesday 19th February 2025,
HHR News


Pakistan far right extremists caught out framing a child for blasphemy

Pakistan far right extremists caught out framing a child for blasphemy

Community concern is growing after an eight year old Punjab boy was imprisoned for a week over allegations of blasphemy. Outdated Colonial Era laws written by the British rulers were recrafted by Pakistan to exclude protections to Ahmadis and ‘Islamicise them’. Pakistan has a long standing history of persecuting minorities, including Hindu, Christians, Balochis, Sikhs [...]

August 17, 2021 Sarah Louise Gates Analysis/Insights, Archives, Hinduphobia, News updates, Pakistan, World Focus 0

Kashmir : Terrorist Violence and the War on Life

Kashmir : Terrorist Violence and the War on Life

Today the world faces existential threat from two sides: global conflict and ecological collapse. We are heading into double extinctions, of culture and nature. These twin interlocking violations are centuries long processes with a common history of settler-colonialism, neo-colonialism and industrial capitalism[i]. Settler colonialism is, as Patrick Wolfe (2006) stated, a “logic of elimination”. It [...]

June 28, 2021 Sarah Louise Gates Analysis/Insights, Archives, Articles, Dharmic Ecology, History, Jammu and Kashmir, World Focus 0
HHR News