Friday 07th March 2025,
HHR News


Hindu Human Rights Support for Asia Bibi’s Right Of Asylum

Hindu Human Rights Support for Asia Bibi’s Right Of Asylum

The recent acquittal of Asia Bibi after a decade on death row was initially a cause of celebration, indeed relief. Accused under the draconian and much abused Blasphemy Law of Pakistan, [...]

November 18, 2018 HHR Archives, HHR Activities/Press releases, News updates, Pakistan, World Focus 0

Sex, drugs and narcotics: How peaceful Himachal Pradesh became a rave haven awash with foreign mafia

Sex, drugs and narcotics: How peaceful Himachal Pradesh became a rave haven awash with foreign mafia

Far from the material pulls and pressures of the world, they danced away their worries. A bonfire ensured warmth as some stripped to almost nothing, entranced by the hypnotic music and the beauty of a full moon night in the hills. And copious amounts of hallucinogens. With its snow-capped mountains, lush greenery and peaceful environs, [...]

June 16, 2014 HHR Archives, India 0

Cannabis couple spared jail by British Judge because of ‘Hindu god’

Cannabis couple spared jail by British Judge because of ‘Hindu god’

HUSBAND and wife Katarzyna and Clive Dryden-Chouen have walked free from court after growing vast quantities of cannabis which they claimed they would burn as a spiritual offering to a Hindu god. The couple not only had numerous plants in various states of growth, but kilograms of harvested crop when police raided their Littledean home [...]

January 6, 2014 HHR News updates 0

A Hindu View on Drug Use and Abuse

A Hindu View on Drug Use and Abuse

Drug addiction is arguably a social problem encouraged by the greater artificial life-style of our culture. It reflects a deeper seated weakness in our cultural life-style connected to a lack of spirituality and introspection.Hindu Dharma offers an inner technology of yoga, mantra and meditation for accessing higher states of consciousness, peace and happiness without [...]

August 19, 2012 Vamadev Shastri Spirituality/Culture 1
HHR News