The recent acquittal of Asia Bibi after a decade on death row was initially a cause of celebration, indeed relief. Accused under the draconian and much abused Blasphemy Law of Pakistan, [...]
The recent acquittal of Asia Bibi after a decade on death row was initially a cause of celebration, indeed relief. Accused under the draconian and much abused Blasphemy Law of Pakistan, [...]
Far from the material pulls and pressures of the world, they danced away their worries. A bonfire ensured warmth as some stripped to almost nothing, entranced by the hypnotic music and the beauty of a full moon night in the hills. And copious amounts of hallucinogens. With its snow-capped mountains, lush greenery and peaceful environs, [...]
HUSBAND and wife Katarzyna and Clive Dryden-Chouen have walked free from court after growing vast quantities of cannabis which they claimed they would burn as a spiritual offering to a Hindu god. The couple not only had numerous plants in various states of growth, but kilograms of harvested crop when police raided their Littledean home [...]
Drug addiction is arguably a social problem encouraged by the greater artificial life-style of our culture. It reflects a deeper seated weakness in our cultural life-style connected to a lack of spirituality and introspection.Hindu Dharma offers an inner technology of yoga, mantra and meditation for accessing higher states of consciousness, peace and happiness without [...]