Of course, we Hindus the largest remaining Indigenous people in the world support our Moari brothers and sisters on this. New Zealand’s parliament was briefly suspended on Thursday after Te Pati Maori MPs staged a haka (a traditional Maori dance made famous by New Zealand’s rugby team) led by New Zealand’s youngest MP Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke [...]
Russian dolls are a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside another. Unpackaging Russia itself has been an issue for western commentators.
It was after all Winston Churchill who defined Russia as "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma," and his words in 1939 spoke eloquently to the Western sense of [...]
Iceland has seen a dramatic increase in the followers of its indigenous pagan movement in recent years, making Odin worshippers the country's fastest-growing religion. [...]
I beg you, all my Hindu Readers, don’t let this happen to your traditions. Your religious practices are gifts the Gods have given you. They are an ancestral inheritance passed down from generation to generation. Do whatever you must to preserve them. Every temple is precious. Every puja holy and sacred. The Gods deserve the [...]
September 27, 2016
Guest Author
Analysis/Insights, Archives
Whether they admit it or not, lack of respect for other religions, particularly indigenous polytheisms, is a core tenet of monotheism (both Islam and Christianity).(1) One need only look at how both of these religions spread and gained power: by colonizing and destroying indigenous religions across the globe and by using terror and sometimes torture [...]
In this article, Well known author Galina Krasskova examines how monotheism became the domain theme in our thinking, and how the deep spiritual beliefs of ancient and great civilisations were suppressed and obliterated with horrific violence. The same nefarious forces which now target Hindus committed crimes against humanity with their carnage and intolerance. It is [...]
At the 5th Gathering of the Elders (Mysore, 1-4 February 2015), I was originally only present as an observer. But when a Hindu lady speaker had addressed the social philosophy of the Gond tribe, I felt it necessary to give a fitting reply, as it was contrary to the whole aim and spirit of the [...]
February 4, 2015
Dr Koenraad Elst
Archives, India
Numerous British and more largely Western neo-Pagans seek contact with Hinduism. They recognize a similarity, both positively and negatively, both in their own religion’s characteristics and in the misfortunes that have befallen it. The extermination in summer 2014 of all the Yezidis (Kurdish Pagans) on whom the Islamic State could lay its hands has reminded [...]