Thursday 06th February 2025,
HHR News

hindu dharma

A Call For Hindu Activism

A Call For Hindu Activism

Sanatana Dharma represents the world’s most ancient continuously practiced, indigenous spiritual and philosophical tradition, which focuses on inner knowledge over outer belief and finds its basis in timeless truths and natural law. These truths have been recorded in our scriptures throughout the ages. The wisdom of the Vedas comes from the ancient rishis, nagas and [...]

October 9, 2020 Sean Bradrick Analysis/Insights, Archives, Spirituality/Culture 0

Leaving the Christian Dogma for the Hindu Dharma

Leaving the Christian Dogma for the Hindu Dharma

From an early age I found an organic mergence between the spiritual and the material worlds. When I was four, I perceived the world of the Devas, though I did not yet know anything about Hinduism. Like many children, I was spiritual without knowing Related imagewhat it meant to be spiritual. Then [...]

May 12, 2019 Sean Bradrick Analysis/Insights, Archives, Global Hindus 0

Video : What is Hinduism? – David Frawley

Video : What is Hinduism? – David Frawley

In this Indic Talk, David Frawley gives a short introduction to his critically acclaimed and highly popular work titled "What is Hinduism". Through this talk, Frawley shares his life-long journey and connection with Hinduism; his interaction with great Hindu gurus and traditions and the whole Hindu knowledge system. [...]

April 27, 2019 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, Spirituality/Culture 0

Down with “Nationalism” !!

Down with “Nationalism” !!

For once, the secularists have it right. The nationalism by which the Hindutva crowd swears, is a Western invention. Feelings for your home country are universal, and natives of India will need no prodding nor any foreign or native ideology to defend their country when necessary. [...]

September 28, 2017 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights, Archives 10

Maulana Kalbe Sadiq on Hindu Dharma

Maulana Kalbe Sadiq on Hindu Dharma

On September 21st, 2013, Maulana Kalbe Sadiq was honored by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at the Art of Living International Center in Bangalore, India. He addressed the evening gathering and strongly denounced violence saying, “Anyone who kills the innocent cannot be a Muslim.” He also shared that when he accidentally found that many verses in [...]

March 13, 2016 HHR Archives, HHR Videos 0

Is Hinduism a Religion or a Way of Life ? Its Both and Much More

Is Hinduism a Religion or a Way of Life ? Its Both and Much More

It’s becoming popular to say that Hinduism is not a religion but simply “a way of life”, or not a spiritual tradition but a cultural phenomenon…like the current yoga trend in America. This helps Hinduism keep a sort of cult status which is incorrect. Hinduism is hardly a cult. Many Hindus do not know enough about their own Hindu [...]

July 15, 2015 Sean Bradrick Spirituality/Culture 0

Remembering Swami Chinmayananda

Remembering Swami Chinmayananda

“Swami Chinmayanda was an exemplary teacher – clear, convincing and with a lot of humour. On one of his Jnana Yajnas I took notes and wrote a long article for a German magazine. Later I gave its English translation to him. Swami Chinmayananda read through it and acknowledged that I had conveyed the teaching well, [...]

May 5, 2015 HHR Archives, Spirituality/Culture 0

Hinduism: Religion or Way of Life?

Hinduism: Religion or Way of Life?

ISN’T HINDUISM SIMPLY A WAY OF LIFE?” This is a question I am frequently asked at satsang gatherings. It invariably makes for spirited discussion, as there is avid interest and a lively diversity of opinion. Years ago, Swami Chinmayananda, founder of Chinmaya Mission, gave a dramatic lecture on the subject . Here are key excerpts: [...]

April 18, 2015 HHR Analysis/Insights 0

Homosexuality and Hinduism: Beware of alien Christian morals

Homosexuality and Hinduism: Beware of alien Christian morals

“[Many Hindus] claim that having a liberal and enlightened attitude towards homosexuality means that we are giving in to Western influence and values. It is always intriguing when we hear uninformed people speak of homosexuality as a form of colonialism. Aren’t they aware of the apparent contradictions? Of all the institutions we have inherited from [...]

April 11, 2015 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

Is Hindu Dharma good and Hindutva bad?

Is Hindu Dharma good and Hindutva bad?

“When Germany is Christian, is India Hindu?”  got amazingly good response with thousands of facebook likes. However, some readers felt I made a mistake by not distinguishing between good, tolerant Hinduism, which is a private belief, and bad, intolerant Hindutva, which stands for the ‘communal agenda of an extreme right Hindu party’ that wants to [...]

February 25, 2014 HHR Analysis/Insights 0
HHR News