As Prithvi Mata - Bhumi devi - Mother Earth is sacred to Hindus so some HHR members have been present at the ongoing Extinction Rebellion to save Mother Earth. Unfortunately no other Hindus groups were present. [...]
As Prithvi Mata - Bhumi devi - Mother Earth is sacred to Hindus so some HHR members have been present at the ongoing Extinction Rebellion to save Mother Earth. Unfortunately no other Hindus groups were present. [...]
How can one define “Hinduism” one may ask. Is it a religion? A philosophy? A collection of myths? A way of life? Lets look at the term Hinduism first: the fact is that the name “Hindu” was given to the inhabitants of the Indus Valley by foreign invaders. From there the term Hinduism [...]
The whole earth is sacred. Earth, which is a well-endowed, beautiful Goddess, the wife of Vishnu, the Lord who sustains the universe. Such a Goddess, who deserves our reverence, must forgive us for we step on her so carelessly. The poet thinks of the earth in such lofty terms. The earth, so patient, so passionate, [...]
India’s Ministry of Environment and Forests has decided to forbid the keeping of captive dolphins for public entertainment anywhere in the country.In a policy statement released Friday, the ministry advised state governments to reject any proposal to establish a dolphinarium “by any person / persons, organizations, government agencies, private or public enterprises that involves import, [...]
In an atmosphere where every morning, our newspapers greet us with stories of girls being tormented, raped, killed or treated like a doormat in one way or another, trust India’s “village republics” to bring in some good news from time to time. One such village in southern Rajasthan’s Rajsamand district is quietly practicing its own, [...]
It's time for the people to stand up and let the politicians and big business know that we will not let our heritage, religious beliefs and environment be trampled over like this. This episode is in stark contrast to the morals and symbolism provided by the Ramayana which tells the story of how divinity, humanity [...]