A terror angle has emerged in the fire incident reported in Jammu & Kashmir’s Katra on May 14, Friday. In the incident, it has now come to light that the bus full of pilgrims heading to Mata Vaishno Devi shrine, was targetted by terrorists. A sticky bomb was used for the explosion in the vehicle, [...]
Recently innocent, unarmed Hindu pilgrims to the holy Amarnath cave were attacked by militants and killed mercilessly. Instead of saying a word of denouncement of that dastardly act and offering condolences to the families of those killed NYT is playing dirty games. [...]
Does Britain’s Labour Party have a Hindu Problem? In 2016, Hindu Human Rights exposed the Hinduphobia that was rampant in the Labour Party. Now with the exposure by BBC Panorama about not just apathy but actual complicity within the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn of antisemitism, it is timely that this report is updated with [...]
The annual Amarnath Yatra is facing a terror threat and the government is making all efforts to ensure security of the pilgrims, home minister Sushilkumar Shinde said on Wednesday. “There is terror threat to Amarnath Yatra,” Shinde told reporters when asked about reports which suggested threat to the pilgrimage to the cave shrine in Jammu [...]