President Obama as with any national leader comes in for criticism and attack. The duties of office require the navigation of many conflicting and contradictory interests. However a large proportion of this has degenerated into conspiracy theories which bring out the worst in racial and cultural stereotypes. The recent massacres in France over the publication [...]
American culture has once again demonstrated its crass ignorance towards non-Christian cultures, especially that of Hindus. The Burnside Brewing Company is based in Portland, capital of Oregon state. On 15 May this commercial alcohol selling outfit is due to release its new brand of beer named ‘Kali-Ma’, named after the Hindu deity of the same [...]
Most racist and colonialist viewpoints of non-European cultures and history are now regarded as outdated. They are recognised as not giving an objective view consistent with responsible academic study, but merely the vehicle by which one was able to peddle the prejudices by what we can now see was a less enlightened age. [...]