Tuesday 18th February 2025,
HHR News

ma kali

Amazon Publish Degrading Kali Ma Book Cover

Amazon Publish Degrading Kali Ma Book Cover

Once again Goddess Kali continues to be degraded with a new book cover with her hanging from a noose. Instead of complaining only on Twitter these billion Hindus should march down to Amazon offices in south India and then watch how fast they apologize and remove the picture. Amazon India Hinduphobic Bigots Ban Kali Ma [...]

May 31, 2023 HHR Archives, Articles, News updates, World Focus 0

Hindu’s Twitter Sacrifice Dr Jordan B Peterson To Ma Kali Over Hinduphobic Rant

Hindu’s Twitter Sacrifice Dr Jordan B Peterson To Ma Kali Over Hinduphobic Rant

Your perception is completely wrong. It's a depiction of the Great Cosmic force Kali portrays her as being black as the night, moving over Shiva’s dead, white body. This portrayal uncovers the centrality of the two crucial parts of Reality. [...]

March 12, 2023 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Hinduphobia, News updates, Spirituality/Culture, World Focus 0

Understanding Goddess Ma Kali

Understanding Goddess Ma Kali

Kali is one of the best known, but poorly understood forms of the Goddess. She is dark destructive and terrible in image. She is allied to the forces of death and destruction. The most common image of Kali shows her dancing on Shiva. This article aims to give an insight into Hinduism\'s use of such [...]

May 14, 2012 Rajesh Patel Archives, Shakti Unveiled : The Dawn of the Goddess, Understanding hinduism 0
HHR News