The united minorities are waging a no-holds-barred campaign against Narendra Modi or against whomever is or can be pictured as a pro-Hindu power-wielder. One of their lines of attack is the blackening of the ruling party, the BJP, in the eyes of public opinion and of the world. An impression is being created that the [...]
March 30, 2015
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, Archives
If India ’s academia is dominated by Stalinist professors with their inflexible Marxist dogma, how does this reflect upon how people outside the country view Hinduism? In India secularism is a strange beast which constantly warns of the threats which Hindu fundamentalism and fascism pose to the very fabric of democracy yet having the gall [...]
October 3, 2013
Whenever Hindus try and speak out on any issue they are constantly lambasted as fascist, fundamentalist and pro-caste. This is a speciality of the unholy axis between Christian hatecore groups and Marxists in their joint strategy for blaming all India ’s problems on Hinduism. While to many it would seem strange how hardcore atheists would [...]
February 14, 2012
Ranbir Singh
Analysis/Insights, Archives