Monday 10th February 2025,
HHR News


Video : Far Right Islamists Attack Indigenous Hindus

Video : Far Right Islamists Attack Indigenous Hindus

At different places far right Islamists as expected started their attacks on Indigenous Hindus celebrating the Ram Temple launch. Islamists surrounded the devotees of Ram who were hoisting the saffron flag at Panvel railway station in Mumbai and attacked the Hindus by raising slogans like Takbeer, “Allah Hu Akbar”. Hindus being attacked by Muslim mobs [...]

January 21, 2024 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, India, News updates, World Focus 0

HHR Video : Mumbai family upholds its love for Sanskrit language

HHR Video : Mumbai family upholds its love for Sanskrit language

A family in Mumbai, India decided to adopt Sanskrit as their day to day language when they were having their first child. And since the last 10 years they all talk at home only in Sanskrit, In the interview the mother said – “we have always received positive response from people, never negative. In the [...]

August 9, 2015 HHR HHR Videos 0
HHR News