As we have been saying for decades our biggest obstacles to raising Hindu issues were not the Hinduphobes as much but the Hindu orgs and temple leaders by 90 per cent as we see with another recent comical incident. Recently Insight Bradford invited Labour MP Naz Shah a well-known Islamist propagandist to a Hindu event. [...]
It is not a ‘Kashmir dispute’. It is the world’ oldest surviving civilisation and culture under threat from ideological imperialism and its western allies. It is not ‘self-determination’ of Kashmir, but a religious holy war against Hindus and India. One only need look at the stated aims of Jaish-e-Mohammed. The terrorist outfit sprung from the [...]
The recent furore over the Labour Party’s links to openly anti-Semitic, racist, terrorist and Holocaust deniers is in many respects only the tip of the iceberg. While this is rightly condemned there has been no mention of the anti-Hindu nature of the present leadership which begins at the very top. Any attempt to raise this [...]
From its independence in 1947 it was predicted by many in the west that India would collapse. The pro-Pakistan policies of UK, France, USA and many others as well as the sympathy shown by them to secessionist movements, most notably in Punjab, Kashmir and Nagaland, the belief that India is heading to civil war due [...]
Does Britain’s Labour Party have a Hindu Problem? In 2016, Hindu Human Rights exposed the Hinduphobia that was rampant in the Labour Party. Now with the exposure by BBC Panorama about not just apathy but actual complicity within the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn of antisemitism, it is timely that this report is updated with [...]