Wednesday 12th February 2025,
HHR News

New Age

Enlightenment for SALE : All Major Cards and PayPal Accepted

Enlightenment for SALE : All Major Cards and PayPal Accepted

The popular ‘New Age’ movement of this era is a vast network of individuals, groups, organizations, cults, foundations, etc. who expound and preach a watered-down patchwork of borrowed spiritual beliefs and rituals which present a dazzling array of luring theories and practices, yet somehow fail to capture the depth and intended essence of the esoteric [...]

August 3, 2016 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, The Yoga Snatchers 0

Esoteric Hinduism and Western Esoteric Traditions

Esoteric Hinduism and Western Esoteric Traditions

Global Esoteric Traditions Esoteric, mystical, and occult traditions have been widely connected worldwide as far back as we can trace their history. These often secret teachings cross over realms of healing, astrology, alchemy, Yoga, mantra, and meditation, emphasizing internal practices to raise our awareness to higher states of consciousness. They have been also important in [...]

September 20, 2014 Vamadev Shastri Archives, Indigenous/Pagan Voice, Spirituality/Culture 2

New Age Yoga: Old Age Theft and Surrender

New Age Yoga: Old Age Theft and Surrender

What is Yoga? Hinduism. Some 5,000 years ago, there were people living in a place which came to be known as the (H)indus river valley. It was these (H)indus that created the religious language known as Sanskrit. The Sanskrit/Hindu word “Yoga” means: “Yuj Atman Brahman ca,” (“To yoke to one’s individual Soul and Soul Source.”) [...]

April 21, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights, News updates 0

Should India be Secular or Hindu?

Should India be Secular or Hindu?

For Hindi Version go to : भारत का स्वरुप कैसा हो? सेकुलर या हिन्दू? “Hinduism, which is the most skeptical and the most believing of all, the most skeptical because it has questioned and experimented the most, the most believing because it has the deepest experience and the most varied and positive spiritual knowledge, that [...]

February 17, 2013 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 8
HHR News