Community concern is growing after an eight year old Punjab boy was imprisoned for a week over allegations of blasphemy. Outdated Colonial Era laws written by the British rulers were recrafted by Pakistan to exclude protections to Ahmadis and ‘Islamicise them’. Pakistan has a long standing history of persecuting minorities, including Hindu, Christians, Balochis, Sikhs [...]
Hindu Human Rights protested outside the Pakistan Embassy London on Sunday the 15th of August to end Pakistan blasphemy laws and ongoing persecution of minorities. Community concern is growing after an eight year old boy in the Punjab was imprisoned for a week over allegations of blasphemy. Outdated Colonial Era laws written by the British [...]
An eight-year-old Hindu boy in Pakistan has become the youngest victim as yet to suffer under that country’s draconian and wholly undemocratic blasphemy law. The Hindu boy in Bhong village in Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab had been charged with blasphemy; which can carry a mandatory death penalty. He was alleged to have urinated in the [...]