laav_patel Explains this recent horrifying incident that took place in Pakistan where Hndus are often killed, raped and kidnapped to be converted. [...]
laav_patel Explains this recent horrifying incident that took place in Pakistan where Hndus are often killed, raped and kidnapped to be converted. [...]
The Refugee Story- “She is a 4 Year old girl, named Laxmi from Sindh province in Pakistan who is suffering from Ventricular Septal Defect which is by birth i.e.congenital. She is also living in the refugee camp. According to her mother she was denied treatment for being a Hindu there in Pakistan. Doctors of G.B. [...]
“According to a study by U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom (USCIRF), public school textbooks in #Pakistan often had a strong Islamic orientation and public schools and madrassas negatively portray the country’s religious minorities and reinforce biases which fuel acts of discrimination, and possibly violence, against these communities.” This video of a refugee girl Phoolwanti (8), [...]
Recently, people gathered outside the high commission of Pakistan in London to seek justice and protest against persecution of minorities. February 24, 2012 is a black day in the history of Pakistan. On this day last year, a Sindhi Hindu girl, Rinkle Kumari, was kidnapped by a Member of Parliament affiliated to the ruling Pakistan [...]
On Tuesday 5 March Hindu Human Rights participated in the discussion in the House of Commons, organised by Wilson Chowdhry of the British Pakistani Christian Association, and chaired by Andrew Stephenson, MP for Pemble. Also present was Desmond Fernandes, genocide expert and one of the main authors of the report, which was submitted that day [...]