South Asia Solidarity a Gunga Din(brown indian servents of the raj) Hinduphobic front for far-right Islamists and Christian fundamentalists who often use a Western European racist frameworks against Indigenous Hindus called out for a protest against Koenraad Elst, Prakash Shah and Rishi Handa’s talk at Queens Mary’s University in London recently . With a massive [...]
UK study and Debate about Hindu students who face racial discrimination and bullying in the country “Young Hindus (in the UK) are not typically sharing their experiences with their parents”: Author of the report Charlotte Littlewood Educationist Rishi Nanda also shares his views The Debate Follow Charlotte Littlewood More @ Use of [...]
Hindu Youth lead the way to facing up to religious and cultural challenges, in the Information age of the 21st Century. Student members of Hindu Human Rights and the Hindu Students Society of the London School of Economics hosted the first ever student inter-faith dialogue in early 2005. The debate was Titled : What does [...]