Wednesday 15th January 2025,
HHR News


Video : Hindus Starting To Use Artificial Animals For Sacrifice

Video : Hindus Starting To Use Artificial Animals For Sacrifice

A Hindu temple recently instead of using a real Buffalo to sacrifice used an artificial one like how Irinjadappilly Sree Krishna Temple in Kerala used a robotic elephant last year for their festivals to end cruelty to animals. And we are sure the Gods and Goddesses would be more pleased as that true devotion is [...]

October 14, 2024 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos, India, News updates, Spirituality/Culture, World Focus 0

Video : Hladini Devi Dasi The Krishna Devotee Who Faced Bullets Saving Other Krishna Bhakts

Video : Hladini Devi Dasi The Krishna Devotee Who Faced Bullets Saving Other Krishna Bhakts

Sunday, October 3, is the anniversary of the day in 1990 on which Hladini devi dasi was brutally gunned down by an extra-judicial firing squad in war-torn Liberia in western Africa. The death squad arrived at the Hare Krishna temple in the capital city of Monrovia in the early morning hours, and ordered the devotees [...]

December 11, 2021 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Hinduphobia, World Focus 0
HHR News