Saturday 27th July 2024,
HHR News

vegetable seller

Video : A Hindu Vegetable Seller Harassed for flying a Hindu Saffron Flag

Video : A Hindu Vegetable Seller Harassed for flying a Hindu Saffron Flag

A Hindu Vegetable Seller Harrased by far right Abrahamic supremacist neighborhood for flying a Hindu Saffron Flag [...]

April 28, 2020 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, News updates 0

Arab Spring Rolls Into Fundamentalism

Arab Spring Rolls Into Fundamentalism

Independence to India did not change the political system in one important respect. Much colonial legislation remains intact. Most notorious is the Police Act of 1864 which was designed to quell dissent by unruly subjects rather than provide a public service. In fact the very idea of public ‘service’ is an anachronism in India where the ‘steel [...]

December 18, 2011 Ranbir Singh World Focus 0
HHR News