To my chagrin and dismay, self-appointed defenders of oppressed cultures who cast contemporary western yoga as the second coming of the East India Company have attached themselves to the fabric of yoga discourse with the stubborn persistence of a burr on a sock. Consequently, perfectly serviceable yoga programs are now at risk of being run [...]
December 26, 2015
Guest Author
Archives, The Yoga Snatchers
There are many misconceptions about Yoga and/or meditation, especially in the material-minded West. Many there, seem to confuse relaxation and “mindfulness” with Hindu’s meditation-proper, which is primarily of a more exact and technical methodology, and is of a primarly psycho-spiritual nature. This is a typical confusion that happens often between Eastern spirituality and/or Yogic techniques and with vague New Age cliches. [...]
March 11, 2015
Sean Bradrick
The Yoga Snatchers, World Focus