Saturday 21st September 2024,
HHR News


The Kama Sutra : Beyond the Sex

The Kama Sutra : Beyond the Sex

Many people have heard about the Kama sutra, but generally the ideas that circulate are rather distorted, vague and confused by ignorance and prejudice. [...]

June 1, 2013 Mataji Parama Karuna Devi Analysis/Insights, Archives, Spirituality/Culture, Understanding hinduism 1

US military includes Yoga for Combat Perfection and Healing

US military includes Yoga for Combat Perfection and Healing

Meditation may help with PTSD, but some yogis are dismayed that their peace-loving practice is now turned to combat training . Is yoga just for suburban baby-boomers and urban stress junkies seeking a hipper way to stay youthful and fit? Not if a growing number of yoga fanatics inside the US military get their way. [...]

May 26, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights 0

Denigration of Hindu Images

Denigration of Hindu Images

Hindu images have been used for every sort of commercialism, from being put on shoes in France to even toilet seats in the US. Hindu sacred chants have been used as the background for erotic scenes in modern movies. Yet it was only after making significant protests that Hindu concerns have even registered in the [...]

May 20, 2013 Vamadev Shastri Analysis/Insights 1

Confusing the Confused Even More On Hinduism

Confusing the Confused Even More On Hinduism

Four young American women turn up at a Hindu temple confused with questions about Hinduism but end up even more confused by the looks of it. But the video should be watched because this is very typical with 99 percent of Hindus especially running temples when they try to explain hinduism to non Hindus when [...]

May 14, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos 0

The use of Dalits and Racism in Anti-Hindu propaganda

The use of Dalits and Racism in Anti-Hindu propaganda

How to deal with clever Christian missionaries During the ongoing commemoration in 2007 of the abolition of the slave trade in the British empire (1807) was used by Christian missionary circles as an occasion for Hindu-bashing through the theme of caste oppression as a still-existing form of slavery.  Hindu polemicists typically react by highlighting the [...]

May 10, 2013 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights 1

Caste games : Battleground India

Caste games : Battleground India

Caste discrimination has now been included as a provision within the Equality Act. At the outset there may seem nothing objectionable in this. But scratch the surface and a sinister agenda emerges. The prime movers behind the new laws are not actually those suffering from caste discrimination but in fact a powerful well funded apparatus [...]

May 9, 2013 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 1

Journey of the Hindu Renaissance

Journey of the Hindu Renaissance

Start of the Hindu Renaissance The nineteenth century witnessed a remarkable and largely unexpected renaissance in Hindu thought, Yoga, Veda and Vedanta that brought back to life and placed in the modern context, the world’s oldest spiritual heritage. An ancient religion that seemed on the verge of extinction was suddenly awake and able to express [...]

May 2, 2013 Vamadev Shastri Analysis/Insights 0

Hinduism is the Target, not Caste Discrimination

Hinduism is the Target, not Caste Discrimination

An amendment to the Equality Act 2010 has banned discrimination based on caste. What will be the effect of this? The starry-eyed idealists who backed the legislation purport that it will give protection to Asians in Britain who have hitherto been denied the safety net of basic dignity. These anti-caste groups are equivocal that Hindu [...]

April 27, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Articles, News updates 2

Hindu Hating ‘Lords’ at the House of Lords in London

Hindu Hating ‘Lords’ at the House of Lords in London

A video that exposes some Lords including Gunga-dins in UK playing caste politics to attack the Hindu community  by lying with facts and figures at the House of Lords.Some of these ‘Lord’s have links with christian fundamentalist groups. So this debate is part of a larger agenda set for breaking up India. [...]

April 24, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos 0

New Age Yoga: Old Age Theft and Surrender

New Age Yoga: Old Age Theft and Surrender

What is Yoga? Hinduism. Some 5,000 years ago, there were people living in a place which came to be known as the (H)indus river valley. It was these (H)indus that created the religious language known as Sanskrit. The Sanskrit/Hindu word “Yoga” means: “Yuj Atman Brahman ca,” (“To yoke to one’s individual Soul and Soul Source.”) [...]

April 21, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights, News updates 0
HHR News