Monday 17th February 2025,
HHR News

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: Indigenous Hindus allege Abrahamic Supremacist Priest destroyed Temple arch

Sri Lanka: Indigenous Hindus allege Abrahamic Supremacist Priest destroyed Temple arch

Tamil Hindus are a minority in Sri Lanka but they are facing stiff challenges from other minority religions when it comes to freely practice their faith. On Mahashivaratri, one of the prominent Tamil Hindu religious festivals, Tamil Hindus faced a harrowing time at Thiruketheechcharam Siva Temple, Mannar, Sri Lanka when hooligans descended on the site [...]

March 10, 2019 HHR Archives, Articles, Sri Lanka, World Focus 0

Military coordinates Hindu temple festival held in Sri Lankan HSZ

Military coordinates Hindu temple festival held in Sri Lankan HSZ

The Sri Lankan military “organised and facilitated” a Hindu temple ceremony at a temple inside a High Security Zone (HSZ) in Jaffna on Tuesday, reports an official military website. The annual festival of the Veeramanikkathevanthurai Sri Kanngathevi temple, which is situated inside the Myliddy HSZ, took place on June 30 with the Sri Lankan military [...]

July 8, 2015 HHR Sri Lanka, World Focus 0

Destruction of Hindu Temples in Sri Lanka

Destruction of Hindu Temples in Sri Lanka

SINHALA BUDDHIST ETHNO NATIONALISM – Masquerading as Sri Lankan ‘Civic Nationalism’ Culture plays a crucial role in the life of a community. A community or a people is identified and revered by its flourishing culture. History shows that an oppressor…. aims to erase the identity of the oppressed and this means destroying first the oppressed people’s [...]

March 28, 2014 HHR Sri Lanka 0

Four Hindu temples vandalized in Sri Lanka

Four Hindu temples vandalized in Sri Lanka

Four Hindu temples in the Batticaloa District were ransacked and damaged by unidentified persons back in June The well-crafted sculptures and other idols at the temples were vandalized and jewellery and money were looted, sources said. The vandalized temples are Sri Sellakathirgamar Temple, Maangadu Pillaiyar Temple, Kirankulam Iyanaar Temple and Pandiruppu Draupathai Amman Temple. According [...]

September 15, 2013 HHR Articles, Sri Lanka 0

Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) not permitted to stage protest in Sri Lanka

Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) not permitted to stage protest in Sri Lanka

Police officials have stopped the protest organized by the vishva hindu parishad movement on attacks against hindu kovils in Tamil areas. They were schedule to stage protest infront of Nallur Kandasuwamy kovil this morning and police refused to grant permission for this protest. Large group of police and intelligence unit members were deployed at the [...]

June 14, 2013 HHR News updates, Sri Lanka 0

London Demo:23/10/12 : Stop Tamil refugees being deported back to Sri Lanka

London Demo:23/10/12 : Stop Tamil refugees being deported back to Sri Lanka

DON’T LET THEM BE DEPORTED TO AN UNSAFE COUNTRY! The British Government is continuing to maintain the fiction that Sri Lanka is a ‘safe’ country. They say that Tamils deported from the UK do not suffer abuse from Sri Lankan authorities. The evidence contradicts this. Human Rights Watch have recently produced a report highlighting the rising number [...]

October 22, 2012 HHR News updates, Sri Lanka 0

Remembering Arumuga Navalar : The Great Defender Of Hinduism

Remembering Arumuga Navalar : The Great Defender Of Hinduism

If we think about why we are still Hindus today, enjoying an unbroken connection and continuity with our ancient past – it is because of great people like this who stopped us from suffering wholesale deculturalisation and loss of spiritual traditions during the colonial era, on the same catastrophic scale as the natives of the [...]

September 25, 2012 HHR History, Sri Lanka 0

Sri Lankan Peninsula Road Expansion will Demolish 27 Hindu Temples and Monuments

Sri Lankan Peninsula Road Expansion will Demolish 27 Hindu Temples and Monuments

Jaffna, Sri Lanka (CHAKRA)– Many Hindus and Hindu cultural organizations are shocked after hearing about plans to demolish around twenty-seven Hindu temples and ancient cultural monuments, as a result of a road expansion program in Jaffna, Kankesanthurai. Many organizations are voicing their concerns about the threat to Tamil cultural symbols under the guise of a development [...]

May 23, 2012 Rajesh Patel Sri Lanka 4

Sri Lanka: Hindu Council objects Buddhist Vihara replacing Saiva temple

Sri Lanka: Hindu Council objects Buddhist Vihara replacing Saiva temple

The construction of a Buddhist Vihara in the site after the destruction of several decade old Pi’l’laiyaar temple at Kokku’laay in Mullaith-theevu district cannot be allowed, said C.Yogeswaran, Batticaloa district Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarian in a memorandum to Sri Lanka’s Prime Minister D.M.Jayatrena who also hold the post of Ministry of Buddha Sasana. Mr Yogeswaran [...]

April 1, 2012 Rajesh Patel Sri Lanka 2
HHR News