Sunday 09th February 2025,
HHR News

World Focus

Influential British Christian Group’s Civil War Agenda in India

Influential British Christian Group’s Civil War Agenda in India

Hindu Humans Rights Exposure on influential Christian Solidarity Worldwide and its sinister agenda Against Hindus and India which could lead to civil war. [...]

July 6, 2012 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, Missionaries, World Focus 7

UK: $18.5 Million Hindu Temple Complex Approved In Northampton

UK: $18.5 Million Hindu Temple Complex Approved In Northampton

Hindus have welcomed the reported unanimous approval of about $18.5 million Hindu temple and high-tech community complex by Northampton (East Midlands, United Kingdom) Borough Council’s planning committee on May 29. Called “Northampton Kutumbh Centre” (wider family), besides a spectacular Hindu temple, it also reportedly plans to include state-of-the-art and eco-friendly sports, recreation and leisure, education, [...]

June 7, 2012 HHR World Focus 0

Europe’s True Identity : Christian or really Pagan ?

Europe’s True Identity : Christian or really Pagan ?

‘In recent years European religious and political  leaders along with leading academics have emphasised on returning to Europe’s ‘Christian’ Identity but history tells a different story that actually Europe’s historical Identity and roots  has more in common with Hinduism’ : On 11 April 2011  Ex-Pope Benedict XVI accused anyone who denied Europe ‘s Christian roots [...]

May 20, 2012 Ranbir Singh Indigenous/Pagan Voice, News updates, World Focus 10

Negationism in Indian History: Its Lessons for the Arab Spring Dystopia

Negationism in Indian History: Its Lessons for the Arab Spring Dystopia

Until his death in 2003, Bhishma Sahni was one of India’s most renowned Hindi language authors and playwrites. His 1974 controversial and popular novel ‘Tamas’ (Darkness) won the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1975 and in 1987 was made into a television series for the national channel Doordarshan. Sahni wrote about the exodus of Hindus and [...]

April 27, 2012 Ranbir Singh World Focus 1

Is Walmart the Reincarnation of the East India Company?

Is Walmart the Reincarnation of the East India Company?

The recent furore against allowing Wal-Mart and other western multinational companies into India ’s lucrative retail sector is based upon fears that it will bankrupt the small retails who have been at the hub of that country’s consumer sector. There are fears that these small family run businesses will be unable to cope against the titanic behemoths [...]

March 28, 2012 HHR India, World Focus 0

Inciting Religious Hatred in Britain:

Inciting Religious Hatred in Britain:

The basis of western civilisation and culture is Judeo-Christian mixed with aspects of the Hellenistic and Roman world, known as the classical era. Despite the decline in religious belief in the west there remain some very deeply committed religious people. [...]

January 5, 2012 HHR World Focus 0

Hindu Genocide in East Bengal ’71

Hindu Genocide in East Bengal ’71

Sen. Edward Kennedy The Bangladesh genocide of 1971 was basically directed at 3 sets of people: The Awami League was one target, along with leftist students, and then came the main target, the Hindus. they mostly got who they were targeting, especially the Hindu community of Bangladesh. The Pakistani strategy is evident from the following [...]

January 5, 2012 HHR Analysis/Insights, Bangladesh, Hinduphobia, World Focus 0

When Hindus were blamed for mad cow disease (CJD)

When Hindus were blamed for mad cow disease (CJD)

In September 2005, the medical journal Lancet reported that the origins of BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) or Mad Cow Disease, which led through the food chain to being variant CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) in humans, had its origins in the funerary practices of Hindus in India. [...]

January 5, 2012 Ranbir Singh World Focus 0

Arab Spring Rolls Into Fundamentalism

Arab Spring Rolls Into Fundamentalism

Independence to India did not change the political system in one important respect. Much colonial legislation remains intact. Most notorious is the Police Act of 1864 which was designed to quell dissent by unruly subjects rather than provide a public service. In fact the very idea of public ‘service’ is an anachronism in India where the ‘steel [...]

December 18, 2011 Ranbir Singh World Focus 0

Rama Sethu : Burning our Bridges with the Sacred Environment

Rama Sethu : Burning our Bridges with the Sacred Environment

It's time for the people to stand up and let the politicians and big business know that we will not let our heritage, religious beliefs and environment be trampled over like this. This episode is in stark contrast to the morals and symbolism provided by the Ramayana which tells the story of how divinity, humanity [...]

February 8, 2007 HHR Archives, Dharmic Ecology, World Focus 2
HHR News