The Prestigious Doon Indian Defence Academy @DoonDefence had a poll a few months ago asking –
1 : Invasion of Aryans ?
2 : Recurrent Floods ?
3 : Earthquakes ?
Answer : All the above

Their answer turns out to be all 3 including the white supremacy fantasy of blond, blue-eyed Aryans coming in their Rolls Royce’s into India to civilize those brown heathen savages and to save them from their millions of demonic gods and goddesses.
A few years ago HHR exposed the Indian Government’s own website referring to the Aryan race invasion in some historical reference which was then called out by some Hindus who had it deleted from the site proving again the level of extremely outdated and debunked colonialism that’s still continuing under the BJP long after the British left.
This again needs to be called out and exposed by all Hindus including the Hindu social media influencers like Sai Deepak @jsaideepak , Anand Ranganathan @ARanganathan72 ,True Indology @TrueIndology ,Dr. Vikram Sampath, FRHistS@vikramsampath,Major Gaurav Arya (Retd) @majorgauravarya,Abhijit Chavda @AbhijitChavda, and many others by not only questioning this academy but most of all the BJP ministry in charge.
Questions need to be asked how a prestigious educational establishment along with many others across the country still promotes highly questionable and biased European white race theories from the 18th century as fact. Are you such mental slaves that unless Gora ‘Aryan’ sahib in the West says it’s all made up then you will change the Hinduphobic garbage you promote in India itself?
But things need to go further as this Aryan race fantasy is still being promoted across the world in educational institutions with the questionable and manipulated scientific evidence in highly intellectual camouflage they always provide as ‘proof’ often headed by a brown Gungadin just like they did with eugenics also added into this myth which led to millions getting killed in the holocaust and wars by the Nazis fantasizing themselves as ‘Aryans’ during WW2.
And, the violent past and present history of white supremacists like the KKK and new groups still fantasize themselves as ‘Aryans’ which is why this myth needs to be seriously questioned and exposed on a global scale with full evidence by professional academics.
Within India, this Aryan race theory is used to promote divisions of made-up Dravidian south and Aryan north hinduphobia hate propaganda used by missionaries and other political opportunists to exploit and divide the Indian people. It’s used to incite hate against Brahmins considered to be the Aryan race with their apartheid caste system they brought from outer space when landing in a UFO on India to oppress the dark-faced Indians.
You can see clearly how South Indian Tamil Brahmins pretending to be Dravdians are hiding their blond hair with black wigs on, while their blue eyes are hidden behind black contact lenses with dark makeup and tanning to hide their white skin as proof…..not !
The father of this outdated fantasy was Frederick Max Muller (1823-1901) who was then regarded as the greatest Indologist of his generation and an expert on the Vedas and Sanskrit who was blown away with amazement at what he discovered delving into the Vedas as we see even now when one enters the doors of Hindu spirituality.
So now he was in a great dilemma thinking how can these dark heathen pagan savages have such incredible spiritual and philosophical insights that could revolutionise the world to true freedom while running the local chai pakora and pann hut down the road.? We Europeans need to be given the credit when suddenly he had the big Aha! moment and comes out with the myth that white-skinned, blond-haired and blue-eyed Nordic Caucasians known as Aryans invaded India in 1500BC and oppressed the darker-skinned indigenous inhabitants of India known as Daysus.
He later retracted his views and said that Aryan did not mean race but referred to language but the damage was done.
But by now racist ideas about Aryans had spread across the Europeans like the plague. His rejection of the fantasy was ignored by many which therefore prepared the ideological basis for Nazism. On 1 July 1935, at the SS offices in Berlin, the pseudo-academic wing of the SS was formed to propagate this Aryanised racist version of history, archaeology and culture and the rest is history still being taught as fact in highly respected universities in the West but worse in India the land of the real Aryans but not meaning race but आर्य Arya meaning noble that any race can be in thought and character.
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