A North Carolina sheriff’s department says there’s no evidence that shots fired through the sign for a planned Hindu temple is anything more than simple vandalism, but it has nevertheless sent reverberations of concern through the U.S. Hindu community. The sign, located at a building site of the Om Hindu Organization of North Carolina in the [...]
July 19, 2015
Archives, World Focus
As a member of the Dutch-speaking Belgian Yoga Federation, I received a copy of the booklet the Government of India issued for the United Nations’ first-ever Yoga Day. It falls on 21 June, Summer Solstice, a day of mixed feelings: it is the longest day, alright, but it is also the start of the sun’s [...]
May 15, 2015
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, Archives
Chappals with the symbol of ‘OM’ on them were available in one of the markets of Pakistan. Om or Aum is of paramount importance in Hinduism. The chapplas were sold in Mirpur Sindh where large number of Hindu pop live. However, many journalist in Pakistan have condemned the circulation. Source [...]
April 20, 2014