According to San Jose Parks and Recreation, the Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj statue was missing from the Guadalupe River Park as of Friday. Park officials have not said when the statue was taken. "The city is deeply saddened that this landmark has been stolen," officials said. [...]
In the previous two essays, we have shown many Hindu-Slavic religious connections and presented more-or-less convincing evidence on, firstly and foremostly, Hindu-Iranian ancestry of the Slavs and the Slavic pre-Christian religion. We have used various scientific methods in proving Hindu-Slavic connections – comparative mythology, linguistics, archaeology, genetics etc.
In the third and final text on this [...]
Statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj installed by Maratha Regiment in Kashmir at height of 14,800 feet in border of Machal area. Statue at the highest height in the world [...]