A Texas woman explained her unusual mug shot after she was arrested and charged with setting fire to a yoga studio. “Most people can’t understand the smiling mug shot,” Nancy Duarte told KTVT-TV from jail. The 41-year-old Duarte, who goes by Suzanne, said she smiled in the photo to help let go of the anger [...]
March 27, 2015
News updates
(Humour ) Ex -President Obama a undercover Hindu and Hanuman Bhakt ? The conservative right wing Christians tried,but Bit the dust .Obviously when Obama is blessed By Lord Hanuman what can come in between him and his devotee. ? Also Watch Obama attacked and ridiculed over Lord Hanuman [...]
January 25, 2015
HHR Videos
Numerous British and more largely Western neo-Pagans seek contact with Hinduism. They recognize a similarity, both positively and negatively, both in their own religion’s characteristics and in the misfortunes that have befallen it. The extermination in summer 2014 of all the Yezidis (Kurdish Pagans) on whom the Islamic State could lay its hands has reminded [...]
As per my typical “modern-Hindu” upbringing – I was taught to see all other religions in the best possible light, on par with my own. “All religions are a path to the same God” was an often repeated phrase when talking about religion. I remember a member of my family speaking in praise of Prophet [...]
July 15, 2014
Rajesh Patel
A large portion of India still predominantly lives in tribes, and one of the largest of these communities is witnessing a Christian revival, media sources reveal. Hundreds of men, women and children who used to follow Hinduism are now professing Christianity as their religion, media sources say. Ask Dinesh Shur why so many tribal people are [...]
In March 2005, the United States denied a visa to Gujarat’s chief minister, Narendra Modi, now the Bharatiya Janata Party’s prime ministerial candidate in next year’s Indian elections. The visa was denied because of Mr. Modi’s alleged role in the 2002 riots in Gujarat that left more than 1,000 dead, most of them Muslims. But it [...]
In a complete role-change among Christian-dominated Mizoram’s political parties, the Congress has begun a campaign trying to paint the opposition as a group that is communal, one that favours Hinduism and is even “the Antichrist”. In the past few days, the ruling party has issued front-page advertisements in local dailies asking the electorate to “be [...]
April 3, 2014
News updates
Religious fundamentalists are on the rise and that is bad for our societies. Most people will agree on this. Yet few examine who religious fundamentalists are. Obviously, such persons would want to stick to the fundamentals of their religion. They want to live a life that is advocated in their holy books and would please [...]
This is the richest and most powerful nation on earth, arguably the most successful society ever. Yet as Panorama revealed children go to school, hungry as their parents are forced to rely on free food handouts or eat rats. People live in drains literally beneath the glitzy glamour of Las Vegas . An operation for [...]
The summer solstice, 21 June, is one of the most important dates in the calendar for many followers of ancient religions, and it’s a special time for people in Greece who worship the country’s pre-Christian gods. “I love the energy this place has,” says Exsekias Trivoulides who has pitched his tent on what he considers [...]