Wednesday 12th February 2025,
HHR News


Video : Tulsi Gabbard Talks Out Against Hinduphobes In the Democratic Party

Video : Tulsi Gabbard Talks Out Against Hinduphobes In the Democratic Party

Tulsi Gabbard gave an answer to all democrats and Media who are playing bigotry against #Hindus and #Hinduism, Article 6 of US constitution says no one should be judged based on religion. If they want to know anything about my personal spiritual path you are welcome on my account on  @X  to discuss more on [...]

January 30, 2025 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : Hindus Banned To Pray To Lord Shiva In India

Video : Hindus Banned To Pray To Lord Shiva In India

It doesn’t matter if these Hindus are a minority or even a majority but it’s always the same embarrassing story everywhere getting kicked in the face and trampled on like we are seeing again in the majority Hindu India  being banned from praying to Lord Shiva by right-wing Christian supremacists As reported by Hindu Voice@HinduVoice_in [...]

August 7, 2024 HHR Analysis/Insights, HHR Videos, India, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : RW Christian Pastor Worried About Hindu ‘Thuggees’ In His Neighborhood’s Swimming Pool

Video : RW Christian Pastor Worried About Hindu ‘Thuggees’ In His Neighborhood’s Swimming Pool

We are already aware of the Hinduphobic racist crime record of the left-wing secular church but we also need to call out the right-wing religious churches’ Hinduphobic hate of those heathen pagan Hindus by academics like Audery Trukshe along with right-wing pastors like Joel Webbon who is traumatized that Hindus are living in his neighborhood [...]

July 18, 2024 HHR Archives, Global Hindus, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

GB News Desperate For PC Stamp Of Approval Pushes Hinduphobic Narrative

GB News Desperate For PC Stamp Of Approval Pushes Hinduphobic Narrative

GB News is a free-to-air news channel in Britain. It is often seen as being right wing, conservative, and offering alternative opinions to the woke leftist agenda that dominates most news channels, especially the BBC. However, when it comes to India and Hindus, it might as well be the same person behind all of it. [...]

March 23, 2024 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

Prime Minister Modi and Pope Francis Must Work on a Declaration against Hinduphobia

Prime Minister Modi and Pope Francis Must Work on a Declaration against Hinduphobia

Author: Vamsee Juluri   Note: an edited version of this was first published in The Print on November 1, 2021. The version below restores some sentences and some links.   The meeting between India’s ‘Hindu nationalist’ Prime Minister Narendra Modi and (nobody said “Christian Expansionist”) Pope Francis reminds me of a phenomenon that media researchers have been talking about for over a century now – propaganda. Propaganda [...]

November 3, 2021 Vamsee Juluri Analysis/Insights, Global Hindus, Hinduphobia, India, Indigenous/Pagan Voice, Missionaries, News updates 0

A Call For Hindu Activism

A Call For Hindu Activism

Sanatana Dharma represents the world’s most ancient continuously practiced, indigenous spiritual and philosophical tradition, which focuses on inner knowledge over outer belief and finds its basis in timeless truths and natural law. These truths have been recorded in our scriptures throughout the ages. The wisdom of the Vedas comes from the ancient rishis, nagas and [...]

October 9, 2020 Sean Bradrick Analysis/Insights, Archives, Spirituality/Culture 0

Video : Christian Right Wing Smash deity of Durga Maa

Video : Christian Right Wing Smash deity of Durga Maa

Christians in Arunachal Pradesh vandalized Durga Pandal while destroying the Murthi of Goddess Durga [...]

October 8, 2019 HHR Archives, Articles, HHR Videos, India, World Focus 0

Christians Protest Against Hindu Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard

Christians Protest Against Hindu Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard

The Festival of the Chariots is sometimes referred to as Ratha Yatra, literally meaning Chariot Festival. Ratha Yatra originated 5,000 years ago in India, on the East Coast state of Orrisa, in a city called Jagannatha Puri.Follow me on this exciting adventure to Venice Beach, California where I meet other devotees, run into several hateful [...]

August 14, 2019 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos, News updates 0

USA: ‘Won’t pray to false god,’ Republican members abstain from Hindu prayers

USA: ‘Won’t pray to false god,’ Republican members abstain from Hindu prayers

When Hindu leader Rajan Zed went to North Dakota House on April 2nd to open floor session with a Hindu prayer he faced an unusual situation. Several Republican members protested Rajan Zed opening the session with Hindu prayers. Lutheran pastor and freshman Rep. Jeff Hoverson of Minot stayed at the back silently protesting against the Hindu [...]

May 2, 2019 HHR Archives, Articles, News updates 0

Tulsi Gabbard Drains the American Political Swamp

Tulsi Gabbard Drains the American Political Swamp

American politician Tulsi Gabbard is an Iraq War veteran who made history in 2012 as the first Hindu elected to the US Congress. She has since entrenched herself as a rising star within the Democratic Party. [...]

December 31, 2018 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 0
HHR News