Wednesday 15th January 2025,
HHR News


Video : Indian communists attacking Krishna Jayanthi procession in Kerala

Video : Indian communists attacking Krishna Jayanthi procession in Kerala

CPIM thugs attacking sreekrishna jayanthi procession in kerala. [...]

August 25, 2016 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, India 0

Hypocrisy of the Indian Left: Anti-Hindu and anti-‘fascist’-Modi

Hypocrisy of the Indian Left: Anti-Hindu and anti-‘fascist’-Modi

“The anti-Hindu Left retains a strong place in journalism and academia, which became entrenched during the long period of the Congress rule. We must remember that India’s Left holds positions far to the left of mainstream liberal political parties in the West, and uses the rhetoric of the communist era. The Left is upset that [...]

October 18, 2015 Vamadev Shastri Analysis/Insights, Archives 0
HHR News