Friday 14th February 2025,
HHR News


Ayaan, Ambedkar And Ayodhya: The Clash Of Civilisations

Ayaan, Ambedkar And Ayodhya: The Clash Of Civilisations

Ayaan Hirsi Ali was born in Somalia but grew up in Nairobi. The Somali community in which she lived was infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood who transformed Ali and her teenage friends from believers into Islamic activists. Yet in 1992 she claimed asylum in the Netherlands as she escaped a forced marriage Following the 11 September [...]

February 8, 2024 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, News updates, World Focus 0

Taking the Knee on Hinduphobia

Taking the Knee on Hinduphobia

Former screen idol turned animal rights activist Brigitte Bardot was fined 20,000 euros by a court on France’s Indian Ocean island of La Reunion over a 2019 diatribe where she described its inhabitants as “savages”. “The natives have kept their savage genes,” the animal rights campaigner wrote in an open letter attacking the islanders for [...]

November 5, 2021 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Articles, Global Hindus, News updates, World Focus 0

Should We Knock Down the Statue of ‘Racist’ Karl Marx?

Should We Knock Down the Statue of ‘Racist’ Karl Marx?

The recent protests over American police brutality against blacks have reached around the world. This has also resulted in the toppling of statues with historical figures associated with slavery and racism, notably Confederate monuments in America. [...]

June 21, 2020 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, History, World Focus 0

Down with “Nationalism” !!

Down with “Nationalism” !!

For once, the secularists have it right. The nationalism by which the Hindutva crowd swears, is a Western invention. Feelings for your home country are universal, and natives of India will need no prodding nor any foreign or native ideology to defend their country when necessary. [...]

September 28, 2017 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights, Archives 10

Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part Two

Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part Two

In India's case we have William Dalrymple, a complete social misfit in his own native land, so he decided to transplant himself in the same manner which bubonic plague once ravaged Europe by hitching a free ride on fleas infesting rats. Dalrymple has suddenly become the spokesperson on what he calls Hindu 'extremism' when he [...]

October 22, 2016 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives 2

Brexit : Why is the EU Collapsing but ‘Hindu’ India Remains Intact?

Brexit : Why is the EU Collapsing but ‘Hindu’ India Remains Intact?

From its independence in 1947 it was predicted by many in the west that India would collapse. The pro-Pakistan policies of UK, France, USA and many others as well as the sympathy shown by them to secessionist movements, most notably in Punjab, Kashmir and Nagaland, the belief that India is heading to civil war due [...]

July 12, 2016 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 52

The West’s Grooming of Radical Islam Part 5 – The Trump Card

The West’s Grooming of Radical Islam Part 5 – The Trump Card

 The furore created by US presidential candidate, the populist and conservative Republican Donald Trump, who stated that Muslim immigration to America should be stopped, needs to be seen in a wider context. It has come hot on the heels of a refugee crisis as millions try and flee war torn Syria, caught between an embattled [...]

December 14, 2015 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, World Focus 0

A French Journalist’s letter to LK.Advani

A French Journalist’s letter to LK.Advani

Dear Mr Advani When I started reporting in India in the early eighties, I had the same ideas as most western journalists : secularism, as practiced by Jawarlahal Nehru, was the best policy for India, given its caste and religion differences; Islam was a peaceful religion; and there were also Hindu fanatics. But, dear Mr [...]

June 14, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights 0
HHR News